The Earth Was Hers, is an espionage thriller where three young women from very different walks of life, are forced to choose a path of heroism or victimization. Their stories are woven together by dreams and visions, The Earth Was Hers examines the individual responses of Nadia, Emily, and Tamar, to the difficult choices put before them. Choices that will forever affect not only their own lives, but the lives of hundreds of thousands of people. Nadia, a young Afghani woman, known for her bravery and charitable work, is seduced into a new and growing terrorist organization. Emily, an Israeli microbiologist, is tasked with the creation of a vaccine against an insidious biological weapon before it can devastate a large majority of the world’s population. Tamar, a member of a Washington bomb squad, must dismantle a nuclear device planted outside the White House grounds before it destroys the nation’s capital.
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